Free eBooks from Derech B’Yam HaTalmud
The Derech B’Yam HaTalmud mini e-books provide a guided approach to learning the Gemara with the understanding of the commentators.
Sukkos 5785
Rosh HaShannah 5785
Tisha B’Av 5784
Shavuos 5784
A Three-Part Torah, Given in the Third Month, on the Third Day
Purim 5784
Was Achashveirosh a Willing Partner in Haman’s Plot?
Asarah B’Teves 5784

Rosh Hashanah 5784
Blowing the Shofar on Shabbas
- When the Beis HaMikdash stood, the Shofar was blown in it each Rosh Hashanah, even on Shabbas. What was the reason for this rule? Did this allowance apply anywhere else? Does it still apply today?
- The Mishnah says that Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai permitted the blowing of the Shofar after the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash in certain cases. Why did he make this rule, and how was he able to do so?
- Are we permitted to blow the Shofar today on Shabbas? Has anyone done so since the days of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai?
- There are many significant reasons to blow the Shofar, and important benefits we gain from it. How do we view Rosh Hashanah this year without the Shofar on the first day?
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Rosh Hashanah 5784
Tisha B’Av 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Churban Part Two 5783
Shavuous 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Shavuous 5783
Pesach 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Pesach 5783
Purim 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Purim 5783
Chanukah 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Chanukah 5783
Sukkah 5783
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Sukkah 5783
Rosh Hashanah
Understanding the power of the Shofar’s blasts – Rosh Hashanah 16a-16b
- How does the blowing of the Shofar confuse the Satan? How are we able to fool him anew each year?
- Why is it ideal for the Shofar to come from a Ram? Is this only a reminder of the Akeidah since it occurred on Rosh Hashanah, or is there an additional lesson we can learn from it?
- Why should the shofar be curved?
- Is it more important for the shofar to be curved or to come from a ram? What can we learn from the answer to this question to aid of Tefillah on Rosh Hashanah?
- Why is there no problem of Bal Tosif since the Shofar is blown multiple times on Rosh Hashanah?
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud – Rosh Hashanah
Understanding the Story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza – Gittin 55b-56a
- The sinister plot of Bar Kamtza
- For what reason(s) was Yerushalayim destroyed?
- What did Kamtza do wrong? (Why is he blamed for the Churban?)
Understanding the Story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza
Why Did Hashem Lift the Mountain Over Our Heads?
A guided approach to understanding the events of Shavuos from the Gemara (Shabbos 88a)
The Gemara says that Hashem picked up Har Sinai and threatened to kill the Jewish people if we would not accept the Torah. Several important questions need to be answered to understand this event, including:
– Why did Hashem do this? The Meforshim differ greatly on this point.
– The Jews accepted the Torah on numerous occasions.
– Did they do the same each time, or were there differences between each of them.
– Why was Har Sinai compared to a barrel?
– What critical message can we learn from this?
Lag B’Omer
A Guided Approach to Understanding
– the Story of Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai
– From the Gemara (Shabbos 33b-34a)
Video on Understanding the Story of Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai
Understanding Kriyas Yam Suf
– Who jumped into the sea first?
– Why did they do so and how were they rewarded?
– Since Hashem Himself caused the Yam to split, why did He wait to split the sea until the Jews jumped in?
Video on Understanding Kriyas Yam Suf
Saved Twice from the Yam
Kriyas Yam Suf & Moshe B’Teiva – What do they have in common?
Understanding the Mitzvah of Beautifying the Arba’ah Minim – Sukkah 29b-30a
– The deeper significance of beautifying the Arba’ah Minim
– When is a Lulav considered dried out?
– On which day(s) is a dried-out Lulav invalid?
Eight Questions on Chanukah – Shabbos 21b
Illuminating questions on the Gemara on Chanukah, including:
– Why did the Menorah in the Beis HaMikdash stay lit for exactly eight days?
– Why did the Greeks intentionally contaminate all the oil?
– How did the seal on the jar of oil protect its contents?
Was Esther really green? – Megillah 13a
– What color was Esther, and how did she become this way?
– How did she keep Kosher in the palace?
– Why did Mordechai choose to go into exile?