Kessubos Daf Hay – Marrying on days of extra Brachos

The Gemara on the bottom of Daf Hay Amud Aleph says that there are Brachos present on certain days which make them auspicious times to have the Chasunah and Biah Rishonah. Is the Gemara giving a recommendation or a requirement to have biah on these days?

On Amud Beis, the Gemara begins a discussion of whether Biah Rishonah is permitted on Shabbos. Among the important issues to clarify is what Issur is involved.

See it on our Kessubos page.

Free mini e-book: 8 Questions & Answers on Chanukah

Just in time for Chanukah! Derech B’Yam HaTalmud published a free mini e-book entitled 8 Questions & Answers on Chanukah. It provides a guided approach to learning the events of the Chanukah story from the Gemara in Shabbos 21b.

The e-book includes eight illuminating questions on Chanukah including:

  • Why was it necessary for its oil to burn for exactly eight days?
  • Why did the Greeks intentionally contaminate all of the oil in the Beis HaMikdash?
  • How did the seal on the jar of shemen protect its contents?

Click here to download.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud presents a guided approach to aid in the learning and teaching of Gemara B’Iyun. Its initial publication was Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first Perek of Mesechtas Gittin which is currently available as a two-volume hardcover sefer or an E-Book.

Click here for information on Derech B’Yam on Gittin.

Future projects include seforim and learning materials on Kessuvos, Sukkah and Bava Metzia.

Understanding the Story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza

To help you connect to the messages of Tisha B’av, Derech B’Yam HaTalmud has prepared the following materials on the Churban, which are ideal to learn prior to Tisha B’av or on the day itself.

Kuntres: Understanding the Story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza

The Gemara in Gittin relates some of the events of the Churban, including the episode of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza. The kuntres is written in an easy-to-read fashion. It provides a translation of the Gemara and highlights some of the background issues and context of the events.

Among the issues covered are:

  • Why is the story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza brought as the example of the reasons for the Churban?
  • Why is Kamtza partially blamed for the Churban, since the Gemara says that the Churban was initiated by a fight between the party’s host and Bar Kamtza?
  • What do we learn about the Churban from the names Kamtza and Bar Kamtza?

The kuntres can be learned as a standalone text, or as a guide to learning the sources. (It is permitted to learn it on Tisha B’av – see Mishneh Berurah in 554:2[3]).

The file can be viewed here.

Short Video Shiur: The Greatest Bargain

If we had a chance to contribute money to build the third Beis HaMikdash, how quickly would we run to do so? (6 minutes)

Click to watch.

Short Video Shiur: Retying the Frayed Cord

Tisha B’av is a day of mourning and also a day of great closeness with Hashem. How can it be both?

Plus, the Gemara says that there was a single sin present among the Jewish people at the time of both the first and second Beis HaMikdash. What is it, and how can we rectify it today?

For this and more, watch our video. (12 minutes)

Why was Batsheva permitted to Dovid?

The Gemara on Kessuvos 9a-9b (daf yomi for Friday) discusses the relationship between Dovid HaMelech and Batsheva. The Gemara asks that she should have been prohibited to him, but answers that Uriah had given her a Get. What type of Get was it, and how did it make her permitted to him?

Was Batsheva married to Uriah at the time that Dovid took her? If so, how was she permitted to him? If Uriah had already given her a get, there should have been no problem, so why did Dovid do Teshuva for this?

To understand these and other points, see our Iyun Insights on דף ט.

To go deeper, see our short video shiur entitled, Why Was Batsheva Permitted to Dovid?

Both are available on our Kessubos page for דף ט.

Learn the Daf more deeply with Derech B’Yam HaTalmud

In honor of Daf Yomi beginning Mesechtas Kessubos  this Friday, and in anticipation of the upcoming publication of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on First Perek of Kessubos , we are excited to offer you several materials to help you learn the daf more deeply.

The following is a sample of the resources which will be offering on the first perek and on other parts of Kessubos , to help you learn and teach the topics more deeply. We will send them daily on a dedicated email and WhatsApp list. If you are interested in receiving them, please email or WhatsApp.

These materials can be found on our Kessuvos page.

Iyun Insights – What is Shakdu?

A short summary of some of the issues discussed by the Meforshim on each daf.

The first daf mentions the Rabbinic creation of Shakdu, and the Gemara will elaborate on it throughout the first perek. A summary of how the Rishonim understand the reason that the Takana was made.

Video: A deeper look at some of the issues – Why was Shakdu established?

Brief 1-2 minute videos elucidating some of the comments of the Mefoshim.

Going deeper into understanding the Takana of Shakdu

In-depth video

15-20 minute videos exploring the shakla v’tarya of the Gemara with the understanding of the Meforshim.

Kuntres: Daf 2a-2b

Document summarizing the text of the Gemara and the insight of the commentators. Lists particular Ma’areh Mekomos to be prepared on each daf, questions to consider as you learn them and then a guided approach to understand the sources.

How did the Sea Split – Video and Materials

Kuntres: “Who Jumped into the Sea First?”

A guided approach to understanding Krias Yam Suf from the Gemara and Midrash

Krias Yam Suf is one of the most dramatic events in history and a critical part of the Seder and Yom Tov of Pesach. It’s necessary to gain clarity in details of the event, many of which you will find surprising.

The Kuntres explores the explanation of the event in the Gemara and Midrash, addressing important topics such as:

·       Who jumped into the sea first? Why did they do so and how were they rewarded?

·       Since Hashem Himself caused the Yam to split, why did He wait to split the sea until the Jews jumped in?

·       When Moshe was praying for the waters to split, why did Hashem tell him to stop?

Click here for the Kuntres. Feel free to forward it to others or print and distribute.

Ideal for learning before or during Pesach.

Short video: Saved Twice from the Yam

The Gemara says that when Moshe was a baby, his mother placed him into the river on the 21st of Nisan, the same day that the waters would split 81 years later at Krias Yam Suf. Is this just a coincidence, or is there a deeper connection between the events?

Available for download here.

New short videos on Megillas Esther

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud has produced the following two short new videos to explore deeper messages of the Megillah:

Was Esther Really Green?

In this video, we investigate the surprising statement of the Gemara says that Esther was Yerarokes, which is usually translated as green. Several key questions are explored, including:

• What is the meaning of the term Yerarokes?
• How did Esther gain this color?
• Did it enhance or detract from her natural beauty?

The 360-Turnaround of Haman’s Wealth

The Midrash says that Haman was the two richest men who ever lived, and he used his riches to bribe his way to power. From where did he get his money, and what became of it in the end? (The answer has Haman rolling in his grave!)

Chovos HaLevavos explains why people desire wealth, and what becomes of it. His words give extra insight into the story of Haman’s money.

Both videos are available for download.

A Guided Approach to Learning the Megillah

The Gemara in Mesechtas Megillah explains many of the behind-the-scenes events of Megillas Esther. In particular, Daf 13a analyzes important verses in the beginning of the Megillah.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud has prepared a free mini E-book which can help people learn the Gemara more deeply. It elucidates important topics on the daf, including:

  • The Gemara says that Esther was Yerarokes. What color is this? It is typically translated as green, but not all commentators agree.
  • How did Esther gain this color?
  • Did Esther’s pigment enhance or detract from her natural beauty?
  • How did Esther keep kosher in the palace?
  • The Gemara suggests that she ate bacon while she was the queen. This statement needs much clarity, which the commentators provide.
  • What do we do today to observe Esther’s commitment to Kashrut in the palace?

Click here to download the E-book.

Free mini e-book: Derech B’Yam on Megillah 13a

As the Daf Yomi makes its way through the first half of Mesechtas Megillah, it is learning how the Gemara understands many of the key verses in the beginning of Megillas Esther. Daf 13a analyzes important verses in the Megillah describing the interaction between Mordechai and Esther, Esther’s color and how she kept Kosher in the palace.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the Daf elucidates many of the topics on Daf 13a to provide more insight into them. It discusses the statement that Esther was ירקרוקת. This term is often translated as “Green” but there is a range of opinions regarding this in the commentators. It is necessary to define the color and the impact that it had on Esther.

Did Esther’s pigment enhance or detract from her natural beauty?

The Gemara on 13a also presents a debate regarding which food(s) Esther ate while living in the palace, including one surprising statement that she ate bacon. This statement needs much clarity, which the commentators provide.

The mini e-book on Megillah 13a is available for free download on our E-books page.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud offers a live daily Gemara B’Iyun shiur in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisrael, as well as written and electronic materials for independent learning and teaching.