Free New E-Book: Understanding the Mitzvah of Beautifying the Arba’ah Minim

To celebrate the worldwide Daf Yomi siyum on Mesechtas Sukkah, and as a way to help prepare for Sukkos, Derech B’Yam HaTalmud has prepared a free E-Book entitled: Understanding the Mitzvah of Beautifying the Arba’ah Minim.

The E-Book provides an in-depth way to learn the topics at the beginning of Perek Lulav HaGazul from the Gemara and Meforshim. It addresses numerous important questions, including: What is the source for the requirement of Hiddur among the Arba’ah Minim? Can I still use my arba’ah minim if one of them is dried out? Is there a difference between the first and second days of Yom Tov regarding the rules of the Arba’ah Minim?

The E-Book concludes with an explanation of the deeper significance of beautifying the Arba’ah Minim.

The free E-Book can be downloaded on our website.

New video shiurim on Gemara Gittin

In conjunction with the publication of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first perek of Gittin, we are excited to announce the production of short video and audio shiurim to learn in conjunction with the sefer.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud provides a guided approach to learning the Gemara B’Iyun. It provides summaries of the major points of the Mishna and Gemara and the commentators, to understand how they understand the Gemara. It is available as a two-volume hardcover sefer or a single E-Book.

To help you to go deeper into the issues of the Gemara and the Meforshim, we are now offering short videos and audios which highlight particular topics. The videos are delivered by co-author Rabbi Yehuda Berinstein. They delve into specific points raised by the commentators, to show you how to gain a deeper understanding of their questions.

In addition, we also have a new video with tips of how to get the greatest benefit of the sefer and the website.

For the video shiurim and the introductory video, visit our page of Gittin.

Rabbi Aharon Feldman Letter of endorsement for Derech B’Yam HaTalmud

Rabbi Aharon Feldman, the Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel and a member of the Moetzes Gedolah of America, has written a warm haskama (approbation) letter for the work of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud.

An excerpt from his letter:

“Derech B’Yam HaTalmud by Rabbis Yehuda Berinstein and Michoel Gros gives … an in-depth presentation of the variant interpretations and core issues of a daf of Gemara.

“It is a groundbreaking Sefer, since, to the best of my knowledge, no such work is presently available. I wish the authors much success in disseminating it.”

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first perek of Gittin is currently available. It is based primarily on the Torah teaching of Yeshivah Ner Yisrael and the Mirrer Yeshiva. The sefer provides a clear approach in English to learning and teaching Gemara B’Iyun.

Click here to order Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first perek of Gittin.

Free new E-Book on the Churban

In honor of the publication of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first perek of Mes’ Gittin, we are excited to offer you a free E-Book on the Gemara in Gittin on the Churban.

The e-book, Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the Churban, elucidates the story of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza and the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. It is written in the same style as the sefer on Gittin, explaining the Gemara through the eyes of the Meforshim. It is an ideal way to connect to the mourning of the churban and prepare for Tisha B’av.

To download your free copy, click here

With gratitude to Hashem, we are honored to announce the publication of the first two volumes in the series of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud.

Available now are two volumes on the first Perek of Gemara Gittin. The two volumes cover the entire perek, and summarize the Gemara and the major points in the commentators.

The purpose of the book is to encourage independent learning of the sources to aid in the study of Gemara B’Iyun. The books provide questions to encourage analysis and summaries of the major points in the works.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is available now for ordering for shipment in the U.S. or in Israel. Click here to order.

There is also the possibility of purchasing an Ebook version or individual PDFs of files to use for classes. Email us to find out about pricing.

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud Is Now Printed

ב”ה, both volumes are printed and available for ordering and shipment!

If you prefer an electronic version of the Sefer, please send us an email so we can send a link. We have to make a few changes to the sefer for the electronic version and this will take few days. We also will be charging for the electronic version.

All the best

Imminent launch of Derech B’Yam on Gittin

We are excited to announce the imminent printing of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first Perek of Mes’ Gittin!

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud presents a guided approach to learning Gemara B’Iyun. The materials elucidate the major points of the Gemara and the approaches of the Meforshim.

The sefer is divided into 2 volumes with a total of 30 Sections. Each section includes the actual page of the Gemara covered in it. The sections are divided into Units. Each unit begins with a list of the Ma’areh Mekomos covered in it, followed by a list of questions which help guide the learning of the meforshim.

The sefer was developed from a Gemara B’Iyun shiur given in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisrael.

The sefer is ideal for learning with a chavrusa, in a chabura, for kolleim and yeshivos.

Pre-orders are being taken now for the new sefer which will be available soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the approach in Derech B’Yam HaTalmud?

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is a guided program to aid the learning and teaching of Gemara b’iyun. It is intended for people who want to learn the Gemara in a deeper, serious way on their own or with a chavrusa. It is also geared for community kollelim, outreach organizations and yeshivos to help them teach the Talmud and commentaries in-depth.

The material is written in clear English with Hebrew words throughout. The shakla v’tarya is summarized with explanations and analysis of major points in the Gemara and commentaries. The beginning of each section lists sources which should be prepared, along with questions on them to encourage independent learning. Additional questions are sprinkled throughout the notes.

Why is this approach different?

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is different than other approaches in that we are focused as much as possible to show how the issues of the ראשונים are derived from the גמרא itself.

  • The material is organized in a fashion and communicated in a way that various levels can participate.
  • We are focused on learning key Rishonim and Achronim which open up and shed light on the Sugias.
  • Ma’areh Mekomos are given as guides to learn the Rishonim.

What level of learning is the ספר aimed for?

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is geared to a wide variety of learners.    On one hand, it gives guideline to people who are not independent in their learning.   On the other hand, more advanced learners will benefit from the clear presentation and easy access to important מפרשים and insights into the גמרא.

Isn’t this the same as other ספרים to help guide one’s learning?

Not at all.   Other learning guides usually focus on either (1) giving פשט in the גמרא or (2) giving a ליקוט of שיטות from the מפרשים.   Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is unique in that it connects the למדות to the שקלא ותריא in the סוגיא and often shows how the מפרשים built their understanding from the סוגיא.

If I have a question on one of the Shiurim, what should I do?

Please send an email to

If I want to attend the daily shiur, how can I get access?

We encourage you to join our Shiur in Ramat Beit Shemesh or on Zoom.   Please send us an email so we can discuss the logistics.

What are the plans for more Seforim?

The Derech B’Yam HaTalmud materials are being prepared on several perakim of Gemara throughout Shas. This initial program covers the first perek of Mesechtas Gittin.  Planned future volumes (נסד) include perakim from Bava Metzia, Kessuvos, Succah and Kiddushin.

Contact us to find out about when future volumes will be available, and about sponsorship opportunities for them.

Welcome to Derech B’Yam HaTalmud Blog

Hello…this is the first of many posts about Derech B’Yam HaTalmud.

Within a few weeks, our first sefer will be published on the 1st Perek of Gittin. This is very exciting. Check back often for updates!

Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is a new guided program to aid the teaching and learning of Gemara b’iyun. It is geared for community kollelim, outreach organizations and yeshivos to help them teach the Talmud and Meforshim in-depth. It is also intended for ba’alei batim and others looking for a serious b’iyun seder.