A Guided Approach to a Deeper Understanding of the Gemara and its Commentaries
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Derech B’Yam HaTalmud is a new guided program to aid the teaching and learning of Gemara b’iyun. It is geared for community kollelim, outreach organizations and yeshivos to help them teach the Talmud and Meforshim in-depth. It is also intended for ba’alei batim and others looking for a serious b’iyun seder.
They are written in clear English with Hebrew words throughout. They summarize the shakla v’tarya and explanations and analysis of major points in the Gemara and commentaries. Lists of ma’areh mekomos with summaries, along with questions to encourage independent learning, are provided at the beginning of each section. Additional questions are sprinkled throughout the notes.
The Derech B’Yam HaTalmud materials are being prepared on several perakim of Gemara throughout Shas. This initial program covers the first perek of Mesechtas Gittin.