We are excited to announce the imminent printing of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on the first Perek of Mes’ Gittin!
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud presents a guided approach to learning Gemara B’Iyun. The materials elucidate the major points of the Gemara and the approaches of the Meforshim.
The sefer is divided into 2 volumes with a total of 30 Sections. Each section includes the actual page of the Gemara covered in it. The sections are divided into Units. Each unit begins with a list of the Ma’areh Mekomos covered in it, followed by a list of questions which help guide the learning of the meforshim.
The sefer was developed from a Gemara B’Iyun shiur given in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisrael.
The sefer is ideal for learning with a chavrusa, in a chabura, for kolleim and yeshivos.
Pre-orders are being taken now for the new sefer which will be available soon.