New short videos on Megillas Esther
Derech B’Yam HaTalmud has produced the following two short new videos to explore deeper messages of the Megillah:
Was Esther Really Green?
In this video, we investigate the surprising statement of the Gemara says that Esther was Yerarokes, which is usually translated as green. Several key questions are explored, including:
• What is the meaning of the term Yerarokes?
• How did Esther gain this color?
• Did it enhance or detract from her natural beauty?
The 360-Turnaround of Haman’s Wealth
The Midrash says that Haman was the two richest men who ever lived, and he used his riches to bribe his way to power. From where did he get his money, and what became of it in the end? (The answer has Haman rolling in his grave!)
Chovos HaLevavos explains why people desire wealth, and what becomes of it. His words give extra insight into the story of Haman’s money.
Both videos are available for download.