Learn the Daf more deeply with Derech B’Yam HaTalmud
In honor of Daf Yomi beginning Mesechtas Kessubos this Friday, and in anticipation of the upcoming publication of Derech B’Yam HaTalmud on First Perek of Kessubos , we are excited to offer you several materials to help you learn the daf more deeply.
The following is a sample of the resources which will be offering on the first perek and on other parts of Kessubos , to help you learn and teach the topics more deeply. We will send them daily on a dedicated email and WhatsApp list. If you are interested in receiving them, please email derechbyam@gmail.com or WhatsApp.
These materials can be found on our Kessuvos page.
Iyun Insights – What is Shakdu?
A short summary of some of the issues discussed by the Meforshim on each daf.
The first daf mentions the Rabbinic creation of Shakdu, and the Gemara will elaborate on it throughout the first perek. A summary of how the Rishonim understand the reason that the Takana was made.
Video: A deeper look at some of the issues – Why was Shakdu established?
Brief 1-2 minute videos elucidating some of the comments of the Mefoshim.
Going deeper into understanding the Takana of Shakdu
In-depth video
15-20 minute videos exploring the shakla v’tarya of the Gemara with the understanding of the Meforshim.
Kuntres: Daf 2a-2b
Document summarizing the text of the Gemara and the insight of the commentators. Lists particular Ma’areh Mekomos to be prepared on each daf, questions to consider as you learn them and then a guided approach to understand the sources.