Books by Rabbi Michoel Gros
About the Author
Rabbi Michoel Gros lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisrael where he learns Torah and writes.
He previously learned in Yeshivos Darchei Noam and Marbeh Torah in Eretz Yisrael and Yeshivas Madreigas HaAdam in Queens, NY. Prior to his Aliyah in 2009, he was the COO of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He has learned in the Gra Beis Midrash, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Eretz Yisrael, since his Aliyah.
In addition to being the co-author of the Derech B’Yam HaTalmud series on the Gemara, and the author of its mini e-books, he also wrote the following print books which are available for purchase.
Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound: Inspiring Stories of Return
Dramatic accounts of Jews returning to their roots.
(Feldheim Distribution)
Homeward Bound is a collection of journeys of discovery, of Jews returning to their roots and uncovering new strengths that lie within them. We walk alongside both ba’alei teshuva of fame and of ordinary lives as they overcome challenges on their way and as they witness miracles pushing them along. We also meet people involved in kiruv to hear their amazing stories of Hashem guiding their work.
People of all levels of observance will be inspired by these accounts of personal growth and Yad Hashem. Through the stories, we also get a glimpse at the potential for greatness within each of us.
Among the captivating tales in the book:
- A woman whose life was saved by her commitment to light Shabbat candles
- A Saturday Night Live comedian whose faith helped him find his smile when tragedy struck
- A life-altering inspiration from a New York Times crossword puzzle
- Two brothers, one who became observant and one who became a Born-Again Christian, and the bond of love that continued to connect them on their journeys
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36 Sparks of Light
Questions and Answers on Chanukah
36 Sparks of Light: Questions and Answers on Chanukah
Illuminating questions on the Chanukah story
36 Sparks of Light: Questions and Answers on Chanukah chronicles the epic struggle between the Darkness of the Greeks and the Light of the Torah. It explores many of the mysteries of the Chanukah events to help us gain a deeper understanding of them.
Among the important questions explored are:
- To whom did the miraculous flask of oil originally belong and where else did it appear in Jewish history?
- Why was it necessary for its oil to burn for exactly eight days?
- Did the Chashmonaim truly light the Menorah on the evening of the 25th of Kislev as we do today?
36 Sparks of Light will elevate your appreciation of Chanukah and help you connect to its deeper messages.
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70 Questions and Answers on Megillas Esther
Understanding the drama and Divine providence in the Megillah
Understand the Megillah like never before! 70 Questions and Answers on Megillas Esther presents insightful questions on Megillas Esther, drawn from the Midrash, Gemara and commentators. Gain a deeper understanding of the behinds-the-scenes events of the Megillah, and see how the Hand of Hashem deftly guided the story.
Questions include:
- Where does the Torah hint to Purim Graggers?
- Why did Vashti grow a tail? How was she killed?
- How many children did Haman have, and what happened to them?
- On Pesach today, how do we remember the hanging of Haman’s sons?
Includes full text of the Megillah.
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The Roots of Royalty
Following the line of Dovid HaMelech from the beginning of time
The Roots of Royalty traces the story of Dovid HaMelech, and the epic building of Malchus Beis Dovid, from the beginning of the world until the coming of the Moshiach. By weaving together ideas from the Gemara, Midrash, Zohar and commentators, the book reveals how Hashem guided Dovid HaMelech’s line from a tiny spark to the brilliant light of the Moshiach.
The lives of Adam, Lot and his daughters, Yehuda and Tamar, Boaz and Rus and others come together in this beautiful symphony. By showing hidden messages and deep connections between the events, The Roots of Royalty makes the story of Dovid’s line come to life.
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