Kuntres: “Who Jumped into the Sea First?”
A guided approach to understanding Krias Yam Suf from the Gemara and Midrash
Krias Yam Suf is one of the most dramatic events in history and a critical part of the Seder and Yom Tov of Pesach. It’s necessary to gain clarity in details of the event, many of which you will find surprising.
The Kuntres explores the explanation of the event in the Gemara and Midrash, addressing important topics such as:
· Who jumped into the sea first? Why did they do so and how were they rewarded?
· Since Hashem Himself caused the Yam to split, why did He wait to split the sea until the Jews jumped in?
· When Moshe was praying for the waters to split, why did Hashem tell him to stop?
Click here for the Kuntres. Feel free to forward it to others or print and distribute.
Ideal for learning before or during Pesach.
Short video: Saved Twice from the Yam
The Gemara says that when Moshe was a baby, his mother placed him into the river on the 21st of Nisan, the same day that the waters would split 81 years later at Krias Yam Suf. Is this just a coincidence, or is there a deeper connection between the events?
Available for download here.